Anatolian Shepherds Page

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hampton Creek Inn Giveaway!

First of all, you need to know that this is one of my favorite blogs to follow: Frugal Granola. You just have to fall in love with anyone who will refer to themselves as a Granola. I believe this was the first natural food type blog that I subscribed to. Who can resist: "Living a Simple and Sustainable Life of Passion for God, Family, Organic Food & Bargain Shopping." I just fell in love with her writing style, their traditional and spiritually rich beliefs; and the recipes were helpful, healthful and tasty, too!
Well now, try to control yourselves, they are giving away a TWO NIGHT VACATION! at the Hampton Creek Inn!

"Imagine sinking into a deep bath, savoring the natural light fragrance of an herbal soap, and allowing God to speak to your heart in quietness or cherishing a special moment with your husband….

Sipping a cup of flavorful organic tea, hand-blended with local ingredients, and a freshly-baked cinnamon muffin, served on your breakfast-in-bed tray…

Snuggling into warm blankets and fluffy pillows, gazing at the moonlight over wooded treetops…

A lazy afternoon, with a book and a picnic under blossoming fruit trees, hearing the wind in the trees and the bubble of the creek…

Come experience our family’s passion for sustainable & simple living and joyful hospitality with a stay at our bed & breakfast in the Pacific Northwest, Hampton Creek Inn!"

I'm gonna do everything I can to win this giveaway for my wonderful husband and I. I hope you'll try to win it too. And yes, I do understand that if you win it, then I won't. TRUST me, I'll be able to live with that, and even truly enjoy the fact that you won! But please come back and tell me how wonderful it was... PLEASE!!!


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