One of the things that I’ve really missed about living in this house is plants. I mean, we have two small Aloe Vera plants that I just recently bought, but other than that, nothing. Really, where would we put them? The only window that faces south, is in our girls room. Our east facing windows are in the boys room, living room and kitchen (where the aloe vera lives.) One window to the north, also in the kitchen. And two windows to the west, in our master bedroom (again no room.)
I miss plants in my house!
A couple years ago, I decided to grow a Avocado plant from seed. They are easy, fun and inexpensive to grow. I started it shortly after the first part of January, when the snow was deep. I decided that it would be the positive thought that would keep us going through the rest of the winter and spring, and lead us to getting our addition project under way. Ah! The power of positive thinking! Well, it really didn’t work out that way. We just couldn’t swing the addition that year.
Since it got to big and gangly to live indoors, due to a serious lack of daylight, I had to move it outside during the summer. And it was getting into the fall, and I couldn’t find anyone who wanted to babysit my Avocado plant during the winter. It died. I decided that I wouldn’t do that again. It kind of turned into one of those “not such a good idea” things.
I have a friend from California who told me about how incredible the smell of orange blossoms are in the Spring. I’ve never experienced that myself, but her description was wonderful. Ever since then I’ve wondered if I could grow a couple of those miniature orange trees (a lemon, and a lime too) so that we could experience that smell in Spring in Washington. I know that I would enjoy their look, and just watching them grow. It would add interest to our dreary winter days.
I hope that we can do the addition this year. We so badly need the room, and the encouragement, too. I really can’t wait to grow some more avocado plants for our bigger, improved home. I think it would be so wonderful to see them grow taller and fuller. And, maybe... just maybe, we can grow avocados in Winter.
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